Objective: The students will check Aeries to be sure that everything is correct for final grades.
I am working on grades. Please check your Aeries grade to be sure that everything is correct.
The returned work folder is overflowing. I need someone to pass it all out. And don't leave it on the desks for me to pick up. That and those wipes that people are leaving really is NOT cool!
1. One final presentation.
2. That's it!
We are able to host a senior sunset this year; not our typical grad night dubbed "Senior Sunset", but a senior activity where they can come to campus and watch the "last sunset" of their senior year in he stadium.
If possible, will you please place this link in your SENIOR class(es) GC stream as a way for students to register? They did get the link in their email last week and we have 86 RSVPs thus far. We need them to RSVP so we can have a record of who and how many students to expect.
Senior Sunset RSVP
If you teach seniors, could you please help us remind them of graduation practice this Friday, 5/21 and Monday 5/24? I have extracted info from the graduation handout so simplify your announcement. Feel free to copy and paste to your GC stream. (scroll down)
If you have seniors 1st, 3rd on Friday or 2 and 4 on Monday, we would appreciate your support and eyes at our practices. We will meet in the gym at 8:15am on Monday and head out to the field for round 1 (our 4pm graduates) and then again with a meet time of 11:15am (student arrival at 11:30am) for round 2 (8pm graduates).
Lastly, those 1/3 senior teachers (or those with a prep period and want to help), we would also love the (continued) assistance with distribution of diplomas on May 25th. We do not have Honor Guard to help this year. We will be out by the flag poles (our usual spot) to distribute diplomas from 8:30-10:30am. If you wouldn't mind heading over at 8:15am, I'd love some help setting up!
All of Mr. Warren's AP Literature classes will use this site as a daily log of activities and subjects taught.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Day 106
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Day 105
Objective: The students will present the final 3 Q2 Prompts in preparation for the Q3 Essay.
Students MUST prepare their testing devices for their AP Exams IMMEDIATELY
1. We have two or three more group discussions.
2. Q2 Essay (poetry) the next class. This may be our last essay.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Day 104
Objective: The students will present their prompt and poem, as well as "dissect" the other poems that are presented by the other groups.
This is worth 50 points.
a) Read and "dissect" the prompt to the rest of the class. 10
b) Read the poem aloud to the class. 5
c) Dissect (close read the poem and lead the class through highlighting and annotating) 10
d) Then outline an essay that you would write to address the prompt. 10
Packet turned in with all poems annotated and analyzed as well as participation in discussion and questions. 15
Friday, May 07, 2021
Day 103
Objective: The students will work as a group to organize a lesson to teach the rest of the class on a Q2 Prompt.
1. Sign up for a poem on the board.
2. Find your group.
3. Discuss the prompt first and then read the poem.
Organize a 20 minute lesson to teach to the rest of the class where
EACH participant has a role in teaching. You will do all of the
following: This is worth 50 points. You will present your lesson next
a) Read and "dissect" the prompt to the rest of the class.
b) Read the poem aloud to the class.
c) Dissect (close read the poem and lead the class through highlighting and annotating)
d) Then outline an essay that you would write to address the prompt.Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Day 102
Objective: The students will write a great essay.
1. Graduation Stuff in the quad by ASB.
2. Othello Q3 Essay. Write NEAT!!! I will not read it if I struggle with the writing. MUST BE IN PEN!!!!!
Monday, May 03, 2021
Day 101
Objective: The students will get into groups and breakdown an AP Q3 Prompt.
1. Get into groups.
2. Get your prompt. Break it down. Then outline an essay.
What are the key words that you need to mention throughout the essay?
a) Thesis/UT
b) Body 1
c) Body 2
3. Present to the class. We will write on one of these on Wednesday!