Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Day 120

Objective:  The students will jot some notes, then read a bit, jot more notes, then read a bit more.

1.  Act I Scene 2 Notes

2.  Read

3.  Act I Scene 3 Notes

4.  Read

5.  Complete Act I Scene 2 Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1scnMQRpjUWtF81BEtSDYM5PcvN-FknfI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true

Act I Scene 2:  (Video ends at 9:16)

·       Iago and Othello talk.  Iago says that he wanted to kill ___________ because he was talking trash about Othello.

·       Iago says that Brabantio will try to get the _____________ cancelled.

·       Othello says that he is not worried.    He _____________ Desdemona and his great deeds that he has done for Venice will protect him.

·       Cassio comes and tells Othello he is needed about an important meeting about a situation in _____________.  Othello goes into his house for a minute.

·       Iago tells Cassio that Othello has ________________.

·       Brabantio and his men come.  He draws his sword and calls Othello a ____________.

·       He says that Othello has used _______________ to win over Desdemona.

·       Brabantio wants Othello _______________, but Othello is summoned to the meeting with the Duke.

Act I Scene 3:

·       The Duke and his Senators are discussing reports of a ____________ fleet heading for Cyprus.

·       Othello enters and immediately puts Othello in charge of the forces heading to protect Cyprus.  Note:  Cyprus is 1400 miles away by sea.  Minimum 6 days travel if there is good weather.

·       Brabantio tell the Duke about _______________.

·       The Duke promises to imprison the criminal, until ___________________ it is Othello.

·       Othello says he didn’t use ______________ to win over Desdemona.

·       Othello tells everyone to _____________ _____________ herself what happened.

·       Othello continues his story and the Duke _________________ ___________.

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