Friday, December 22, 2017


Objective:  The students will analyze a poem.

1.  Complete TTSTCANDI for The Weight of Sweetness

2.  Handmaid's (or other book) reading.  Complete the book over the break.

Seniors:  Free Food on me.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

ONE more day

Objective:  The students will complete the Figures of Speech outline 1.

1.  We are holding off on the test practice because some of the info is needed for this AP practice.

2.  Discuss TTSTCANDI for "She Dwelt..."

3.  Complete Figures of Speech outline 1

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

OK Here is the plan for the rest of the week so that you can plan your absences (I mean attendance).

Objective:  The students will analyze a new poem (actually it's old).

1.  Complete the Imagery Chapter Outline

2.  TTSTCANDI for "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways"

3.  Here is the plan for the rest of the week:

Wed:  She Dwelt  TTSTCANDI
Thursday:  AP MC Test Practice 15 points to grade.  Figures of Speech 1 Outline
Friday:  The Weight of Sweetness TTSTCANDI

Keep up with reading.  After our return from break I will have a test on Handmaid's Tale or the other approved book that you are reading (and that is only one kid, so everyone else is doing Handmaid's).

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I Like kitchenette building!

Objective:  The students will discuss the analysis of kitchenette building and then outline the next chapter.

1.  Discuss TTSTCANDI of kitchenette building

2.  Poetry Unit 2 Outline of Imagery Chapter 4.

3.  Reading Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2017

It's a good day! Picking up the boy today with his first semester done.

Objective:  The students will analyze the next poem.

1.  Complete TTSTCANDI for "kitchenette building"

2.  Complete all new vocabulary and terms for Poetry Part 2

3.  Poetry Part 1 Packet due tomorrow.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Happy Friday People!

Paradox:  From Handmaid's Tale:  Offred says that she is "trying to think about how not to think."  That right there is a perfect example of a paradoxical statement.

Objective:  The students will practice for the AP MC Prose Test.

Quiz:  What are the two things that the Commander wants from Offred when he calls her into his office?

1.  AP Test Practice

2.  Discuss "Mirror" TTSTCANDI

3,  New Poem:  "Kitchenette Building" TTSTCANDI.  The last part of our poetry packet 1.  We will turn it in MOnday so have all parts done.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

OK I did some research yesterday....

Objective:  Students will discuss their chapter outlines on how to read a poem.  Then they will read one.

1.  Handmaid's Tale discussion.

2.  Perrine's Poetry Chapter 2 Discussion

3.  TTSTCANDI The Mirror

4.  Handmaid's Reading Schedule or your other book.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Short Day

Objective:  The students will complete the outline of Poetry Chapter 2

OK... After yesterday's reading, I have to offer you all an "out."  If this book is becoming an issue for anyone, you are free to opt out from reading it.  I will find an alternative for you.  Something less "dystopian"....  I guess I should have read the book before....  Frankenstein only has a monster.

1.  Complete Poetry Chapter 2 Outline.

2.  Handmaid's Reading Schedule.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

I forgot my book yesterday when I left... So no quiz because I didn't read.

Objective:  The students will discuss their analysis of "Out, Out" and outline chapter 2 of Perrine's Poetry.

1.  Get into groups of three or four and discuss your TTSTCANDI of Out Out.

Words to know:  Paradox, Social Commentary.  Look these up and tell how they fit into the poem analysis.

2.  Outline Chapter 2 of Perrine's

3.  Handmaid's reading.

Monday, December 11, 2017

A great weekend. Golf: Only hit one house and one lake (twice). Essays: I was happy with most of them. Reading Handmaid's: That Doctor scene....

Objective:  The students will see how they did on their essays and see some sample essays.

1.  Look over the three sample essays.  Grade them using the rubric.

2.  Get your own essays and score sheet.  Bubble in your score and return to me.

3.  Complete TTSTCANDI for Out Out

4.  Handmaid's reading schedule.  I am feeling a quiz tomorrow.

Friday, December 08, 2017

OK What was the Commander doing at her bedroom door?

Objective:  The students will discuss their first poem.

1.  Discuss Handmaid's Chapters 7-8.

2.  Perrine's Poetry Chapter 1 Discussion/Outline

3.  Out, Out.

4.  Handmaid's Reading Schedule (keep up with us!)  Handmaid's Tale Link.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Good Cold Morning! Happy Birthday Cianna C.

Objective:  The students will discuss the development of The Handmaid's Tale and complete the Poetry outline of Chapter 1.

1.  Discuss Chapters 3,4,5, and 6.

2.  Complete Perrine's Chapter 1 Poetry.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

So what did you see in the first two short chapters?

Objective:  The students will discuss the first two chapters and look into the importance of several different things.

1.  The reading schedule for this book is on on the Handmaid's Tale link.  Follow it each day, even if you are absent, on vacation, or just plain taking the day off (or late... Sisler).

2.  Discuss the chapters that were read.  What did you see as a deep AP reader that would be good to follow through the rest of the book?

3.  Complete Poetry Unit Chapter 1 Outline (p. 717 to 725)

4.  Read Handmaid's according to schedule on

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Objective:  The students will be introduced tho their new novel.

1.  District Writing Test discussion.  Grading being done right now.  So far three are done!

2.  The Handmaid's Tale intro discussion notes.

3.  Read chapters 1 and 2 for class discussion tomorrow.

Monday, December 04, 2017

On to poetry

Objective:  The students will begin their first poetry unit.  Now I am not a poetry guy, so this will be interesting!

1.  Put your Handmaid's Tale book on your desk for 10 points.  We will start tomorrow with an intro and some reading.

2.  Get the Poetry Unit 1 Handout and complete all vocabulary.  Do it on separate sheets for easy grade checking please.  I know it's a bit wasteful but I am lazy. 👊

Friday, December 01, 2017

AP Writing Test

Objective:  Students will show knowledge of Grendel analysis in a well written essay.

1.  Get prompt and three sheets of paper.

2.  Complete the essay by the end of the period.  Write on one side only.  Write a neatly as possible.

Have a great weekend.  If you don't have The Handmaid's Tale yet, you have until Monday.