Friday, December 14, 2018

Last Day Before Project Final

Objective:  The students will perfect their projects for presentation.

Note:  I was very impressed with yesterday's book discussions.  I was telling Mr. Herrera and Mr. Sjoerdsma that I know that many of my kids won't take the AP Exam at the end of the year, but just listening to you all yesterday, I can tell that many have learned a lot.  All of your Q3 grades went up 30 points.  Made my day!

1.  Complete Poetry 2 Packet.  It should have 4 outlines, 5 poem TTSTCANDIs and 2 terms.

2.  Projects.  If you are not here for the presentation, you get an F.  Random start Monday.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Your turn to say smart things!!

Objective:  The students will share their novel with the students who did not read it.

1.  Get your Q3

2.  Get into your discussion group.  You have 5 minutes to plan.

3.  You can use anything for your discussion...  Book, Q3, whatever you need.  Explain the story and its analysis with the others. 

Grade:  Your Q3 score in the computer will go up for each insightful, educated, AP smart statement that is made.  All students must talk at least once.  I will keep track if you do.

Scoring:  1 point up for smart.
               1 point minus for not-smart.
               5 points minus if I ask a question that can't be answered.

You have 20 minutes

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Last Day for Q3

Objective:  The students will complete he Q3 Study Form and show that they have complete mastery of the content and analysis of the book.

1.  Complete Q3 Study Form.

2.  Tomorrow we will have two book discussions.  You will use your Q3 Form to discuss the book with the kids who read the other book.  This discussion will take at least 15 minutes.  You will present as a group in front of the glass.  Each one of you must speak, discussing the plot of the book and all of the AP analysis points.  It must be deep and thorough.  IT WILL BE PART OF THIS Q3 Form Test Grade.

It will not deal specifically with your presentation topics. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Frankenstein/Handmaid's Final

Objective:  The students will complete a Q3 Study Form to show that they have read and analyzed the novel for an upcoming essay.

1.  Get out three sheets of paper and a pen.  Do not write on my paper.  Write neatly.  This is worth 100 points.  How am I gonna grade it?  I am going to take the ten best... They are A's.  I am going to take the next 10 best... They are B's.  I will take the next 20 best.  They are C's.  The rest are D's and F's.

Monday, December 10, 2018

One more week... Time flies when you're having fun!

Objective:  The students will prepare for tomorrow's test on the chosen novel.

Everyone take a sec to complete the following:

1.  Discuss Perfectly Poised

2.  Score Close Reading of novel

3.  Tomorrow is the test.  It will not be multiple choice.  You can use your book.  I am not going to tell you what it is, but you have seen it before with Grendel.  It will be easy if you know your book.  It will be hard and you will fail if you do not know it.

4.  TTSTCANDI William Blake's Echoing Green

Hope you have all made it to the library for your research.  We start presenting in 1 week.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

MC Thursday

Objective:  Students will practice the MC Poetry section of the AP Test.

1.  Note:  I will be out tomorrow.  You will all work on your projects.  Make good use of the time.  Note 2:  If you present on Monday, you still have to be here on the date of the final.  Part of your grade is "listening and participation" in the discussion of the projects. 

2.  MC Practice

3.  TTSTCANDI:  Perfectly Poised

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Happy Wednesday!

Objective:  The students will discuss their analysis of the crazy lady's love song.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Thunderbird

2.  Chapter Outline Power POint

3.  Love Song TTSTCANDI discussion

4.  Outline Perrine's 7

Finish the books if you haven't yet.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Figurative Language 2

Objective:  The students will discuss figurative language and analyze the next poem by Plath.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Pandemonium

2.  Chapter 6 Outline

3.  New poem:  "Mad Girl's Love Song"

Monday, December 03, 2018

Happy hanukkah 2018 for my Jewish Kids

Objective:  The students will discuss "The Weight..." and outline Chapter 6.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Dantes Inferno

2.  Discuss TTSTCANDI of "The Weight..."

3.  Outline Chapter 6

Finish Book by Friday if you have not.  Test next Monday.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Project Friday (the next three)

Objective:  The students will collaborate on the project, assigning jobs, looking for sources, and scheduling library visits.

1.  Projects:  Here is how they will affect your grade at the semester (By the way... If you went to UCR already, you can't go again for extra credit this semester).

A= Grade up 3%
B= Grade up 1%
C= Grade stays where it is
D= Grade drops 5%
F= Grade drops 10%

A note will sent to your parents today to inform them of this assignment and its effect on your semester grade. 

Get at it!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bring the Rain!!

Objective:  The students will complete the next TTSTCANDI for a cool poem.

1.  Poetry MC Practice.  "To Autumn"

2.  TTSTCANDI Poem:  "The Weight of Sweetness"

Projects tomorrow.  Read the book.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Objective:  The students will discuss how to analyze the syntax of a piece of lit.

1.  Allusion NOtes :  Sinbad

2.  Syntax discussion and notes.

3.  Discuss yesterday's TTSTCANDI of "She Dwelt..."

4.  Complete Lit and Tone Terms.

Tomorrow we try our first poetry MC Practice.  And finish your book!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I am liking Frankenstein!

Objective:  The students will analyze a great poem by William Wordsworth

1.  Allusion Notes:  Prometheus

2.  Chapter discussions/presentations

3.  "She Dwelt" TTSTCANDI and close reading.

Are you finishing the novel reading??

Monday, November 26, 2018

Welcome Back! Hope You Rested and Read!

Objective:  The students will outline two chapters from Perrine's.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Sarah and Hagar

2.  Perrin'e Poetry Chapter 4 and 5 Outline.  Both due tomorrow.

3.  How is your reading going?

The Handmaid’s Tale or Frankenstein Reading Calendar:
Handmaid’s Sections I-VI:  15 journal entries                                        Due: 11/19             Frankenstein Letters to Chapter 3
Handmaid’s Sections VII-XI:  15 journal entries                                    Due: 11/26             Frankenstein Chapters 4- 17
Handmaid’s Sections XII-Historical Notes:  15 entries                           Due: 12/3               Frankenstein Chapters 17-end

Friday, November 16, 2018

Enjoy Your Break

Objective:  The students will begin reading their books.

Here is an intro to Handmaid's Chapter 1

If you are reading Frankenstein....  Well so am I and I haven't made a chapter 1 intro yet....

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Good MOrning!

Objective:  The students will complete a simple yet complex poem by Gwen Brooks.

1.  Sample Annotated Bibliography page for research project.  If you were out yesterday due to giving blood please get the project packet for the book that you choose.  Join a group.

2.  New poem:  "kitchenette building"

3.  Poetry Packet 1 due tomorrow.  70 points.

If I don't see you tomorrow... I am THANKFUL for you all!  You are all a great group of kids.  Have a great holiday.  Give hugs to your family... eat... drink (non-alcohol) ... and READ!