Friday, December 15, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original theme poem that uses Langston Hughes’ form (Writing Standard 1.5)

Date: December 15, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Turn in and share poem
2. Good Earth Crossword (100 points)
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule: Finish novel
4. Last book report due on January 19

Have a great holiday.

Period 3

1. Share theme poem
2. Chapter 4 “theme” test
3. Good Earth Crossword 100 points
4. Finish Novel
Book report #2 Due January 19

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original theme poem that uses Langston Hughes’ form (Writing Standard 1.5)

Date: December 15, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Chapter 4 “Theme” Test. Look over notes for 5 minutes
2. Complete your “Theme for Advanced Lit” Theme Poem
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 30-31

Period 2 and 5

1. Share theme poem
2. Chapter 4 “theme” test

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original theme poem that uses Langston Hughes’ form (Writing Standard 1.5)

Date: December 14, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Present Poster for “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
2. Theme for Advanced Lit. Original Poem
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 28-29

Good Earth Quiz: Answer in a complete, specific paragraph (Note: a paragraph is not 3 sentences).

Describe how Wang’s home has changed in Chapters 20-25. You will want to discuss Olan, Lotus, Cuckoo, the Uncle’s Wife and the Eldest son. How does Wang get away from all of his troubles?

Periods 2 and 5
1. Same as above: Written Poem due next class.

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Monday, December 11, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to identify the universal theme from a poem (Reading Standard 3.2)

Date: December 11, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Turn in the Satire Advertisement or Your Internet Satire Paragraph
2. CAT6 #24
3. Group Activity “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
4. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 23-25

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original satire and publish using technology (Reading Standard 3.2 and Writing 1.8)

Date: December 7, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. CAT6 #23
2. Good Earth Quiz on Chapters 16-18
3. Satire in Songs Practice
4. “Learn with Book” writing (due typed on Friday)
5. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 19-20

Period 2 AND 5
1. CAT6 #23
2. Good Earth Quiz Chapters 16-18
3. Satire in Songs Practice
4. Share your original satires and turn in
5. Extra Credit Handout (1 point per answer)
6. Reading of the Good Earth

Here’s what you’re going to do:
1. Pick someone or some aspect of human behavior you want to target. Example: People who are out of shape.
2. Think of some “new invention” you could advertise to these people in a magazine. Example: Walking
3. Think of some of the benefits your target group will receive from your new invention.
4. Now create a magazine advertisement. Your ad should be:
· Colorful
· Have text (it’s a writing assignment!)
· Have a headline or eye catching phrase
· Have some kind of picture or graphic.
If you want to see some examples, look at the pages that I have clipped in Ebony and People. This is due on Friday!

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 27 T: 28 W: 29 TH: 30 F: 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2-5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9-11

M: 4 T:5 W:6 TH: 7 F: 8
Ch. 12-13 Ch. 14-15 Ch. 16-18 Ch. 19-20 Ch. 21-22

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original satire and publish using technology (Reading Standard 3.2 and Writing 1.8)

Date: December 5, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Good Earth Chps 9-13 Quiz
2. “Learn with Book” writing (due typed on Friday)
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 14-15

Period 2 and 5
Same as above but your typed satire is due on Thursday

“Learn with Book”
Read the satire
1. Who is being made fun of?
2. Is the satire mean and bitter or is it supposed to be funny and light hearted? Give some examples from the text to support.
3. What change does the author want to see made in people?
4. What is the theme? Is it personal or universal?

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 27 T: 28 W: 29 TH: 30 F: 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2-5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9-11

M: 4 T:5 W:6 TH: 7 F: 8
Ch. 12-13 Ch. 14-15 Ch. 16-18 Ch. 19-20 Ch. 21-22

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Monday, December 04, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original satire and publish using technology (Reading Standard 3.2 and Writing 1.8)

Date: December 4, 2006

Period 1 -5
1. CAT6 #22
2. Notes
3. Turn in “The Man in the Water” assignment
4. “Learn with Book”
5. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 12-13

“Learn with Book”
Read the satire
1. Who is being made fun of?
2. Is the satire mean and bitter or is it supposed to be funny and light hearted? Give some examples from the text to support.
3. What change does the author want to see made in people?
4. What is the theme? Is it personal or universal?

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 27 T: 28 W: 29 TH: 30 F: 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2-5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9-11

M: 4 T:5 W:6 TH: 7 F: 8
Ch. 12-13 Ch. 14-15 Ch. 16-18 Ch. 19-20 Ch. 21-22

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

Friday, December 01, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write about the implied thesis of “The Man in the Water” essay (Reading Standard 3.2)

Date: December 1, 2006

Period 1 and 4 (period 4 do the “Parent Information Sheet”)
1. Discuss Chapters 6-8 of The Good Earth
2. “The Man in the Water” assignment
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule

Periods 3
1. CAT6 #21
2. The Good Earth Quiz Chapters 1-5
3. “The Man in the Water” assignment
4. Homework: The Good Earth reading follow schedule below.

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 27 T: 28 W: 29 TH: 30 F: 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2-5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9-11

M: 4 T:5 W:6 TH: 7 F: 8
Ch. 12-13 Ch. 14-15 Ch. 16-18 Ch. 19-20 Ch. 21-22

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete
Objective: Students will be able to write about the implied thesis of “The Man in the Water” essay (Reading Standard 3.2)

Date: December 1, 2006

Period 1 and 4 (period 4 do the “Parent Information Sheet”)
1. Discuss Chapters 6-8 of The Good Earth
2. “The Man in the Water” assignment
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule

Periods 3
1. CAT6 #21
2. The Good Earth Quiz Chapters 1-5
3. “The Man in the Water” assignment
4. Homework: The Good Earth reading follow schedule below.

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 27 T: 28 W: 29 TH: 30 F: 1
Ch. 1 Ch. 2-5 Ch. 6-8 Ch. 9-11

M: 4 T:5 W:6 TH: 7 F: 8
Ch. 12-13 Ch. 14-15 Ch. 16-18 Ch. 19-20 Ch. 21-22

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete