Thursday, December 14, 2006

Objective: Students will be able to write an original theme poem that uses Langston Hughes’ form (Writing Standard 1.5)

Date: December 15, 2006

Period 1 and 4
1. Chapter 4 “Theme” Test. Look over notes for 5 minutes
2. Complete your “Theme for Advanced Lit” Theme Poem
3. Homework. Keep up with Good Earth reading schedule Chp. 30-31

Period 2 and 5

1. Share theme poem
2. Chapter 4 “theme” test

The Good Earth Reading Schedule:

M: 11 T: 12 W: 13 TH: 14 F: 15
Ch. 23-25 Ch. 26-27 Ch. 28-29 Ch. 30-31 Complete

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