Tuesday, April 30, 2019

{art 4 of the Final (almost done!)

Objective:  The students will write a great essay on a very easy poem.

1.  Get out two sheets of paper.

2.  Get the prompt.  Put name on all papers.

3.  Read the prompt.  Read the WHOLE poem.  Focus on what you know.  Write and show that you have learned.

Monday, April 29, 2019

MC Poetry Final

Objective:  Be smart and pass.

1.  Get your Prose Essay

2.  Get scan sheet and test packet.  Put your name on both.

3.  You have all period to take the test.

4.  Scan when complete.  Write percentage on answer sheet.  Staple test to answer sheet.  Give to me to put in the computer.

Tomorrow Poetry Essay

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Poetry MC Practice 2

Objective:  The students will complete their last Poetry Practice of the year.

Sorry...  I just can't find an easy one!  I promise that I will for the Final though!

1.  Get both Poetry MC Practice pieces.

2.  Complete them without talking and phones.

3.  Grade and discuss.  Look up any words that you don't know.  Minimum of 5.

4.  Get 10 points.

I will not be here tomorrow.  Bring something to work on.  There are 4 practice pieces on Albert.io

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Poetry Multiple Choice Practice

Objective:  The students will practice a multiple choice Poetry piece.

NOT GONNA LIE:  This one is freakin' hard!  I missed 4.  Although I see why I made the errors. 

1.  Get both pages of the MC Practrice.

2.  Complete the practice.  Do not use phones or talk.  This is for 10 points.  Esay points for trying hard to do well and for following directions.

3.  Grade and discuss.

4.  Look up words on the test that you don't know.  There will be several.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

AP Final Part 2: Prose Essay

Objective:  The students will write an excellent essay on a pretty easy Prose piece.  And they will pass this part of the AP Final!

1.  Grab 2 sheets of paper and a pen.  Write your name and period number on it.

2.  Write one side only.

3.  Read the prompt carefully.  Figure out what it tells you to write about it.  And write.

Tomorrow:  Poetry Practice.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tomorrow: Prose Essay AP Final Part 1

Objective:  The students will review Imagery and Figurative Language Power Point Discussions for AP Final and AP Test.

1.  Get your AP Prose Practice Essay that we did last week.  Reread the excerpt and your essay.  Look at what I checked as Good and the notes that I made.

2.  Tomorrow:  Focus on what you KNOW, not what you don't.

3.  Power Point Reviews:

Imagery:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gGzAOwHsXYqOTbgkzspHK_q3cGnubSQ_/view?usp=sharing

Figurative Language I:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiggpYq4wLoN7Arjpfgg1qIHUy0vy__A/view?usp=sharing

Figurative Language II:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FO2uMfiuSYvyvWGZ6fQPnVdp0EFtEXjS/view?usp=sharing

Figurative Language III:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FO2uMfiuSYvyvWGZ6fQPnVdp0EFtEXjS/view?usp=sharing

Friday, April 19, 2019

AP Final Part 1

Objective:  The students will complete the first part of the final:  Prose MC.

Put your phones away and don't touch them until everyone is done.

1.  Get a pencil and printed answer sheet.
2.  Put your name on the answer sheet above the title of the test.
3.  Take the test.  You have all period so no rush.
4.  Staple the Test to the back of the answer sheet.
5.  Scan the test when complete and write your percentage on the paper.  Be honest when you write it!
6.  Bring me the completed test and answer sheet.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Complete your Open Source Q3 Study Form for a piece that WE HAVE NOT READ IN CLASS!

Objective:  The students will look at something that we have not read in class this year to complete a Q3 Study Form.

Period 1:  This is due by the end of the period.

Period 2:  This is due tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Prose MC Final Part 1

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Prose MC Final on Friday (if you miss due to ditching, you can not take)

Objective:  The students will practice Prose MC for Friday's Final (Part 1)

1.  Prose MC Practice Jane Eyre

2.  Your Pick Q3 Study Form.  Pick a book from the AP List or one that you know well that is not on the list and complete a Q3 Study Form on that book.

Here is the Link:


Friday, April 12, 2019

Last Essay Before the Final

Objective:  The students will practice one last essay, a Q2 Prose Prompt, before we start the real essays for the final.

1.  Grap and prompt, two pieces of paper and a pen.

2.  Read and underline the prompt.  Figure out what you need to do.

3.  Read the piece.

4.  Write a good AP essay that answers the prompt.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Practice Again...

Objective:  The students will complete a MC practice and look up things forgotten for upcoming AP Test.

1.  MC Practice Poetry

2.  Using yesterday's and today's practice tests, look up or confirm that you know all of the following.

How to ID Direct Objects and Indirect Objects
Tone, Diction, Rhymes, Meter
Paradox, Hyperbole and Paradoxical Hyperbole (make sure you understand that question from yesterday)
Pastoral Imagery
An exposition of a symbol
Allegory, antithesis, oxymoron

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Essays Graded

Objective:  The students will test practice for the AP Test (for the remainder of the year).

1.  Get your essays.  I was very happy with most of them.

2.  MC Test Practice.  One is easy.  One is hard.  I did awesome!  Except for one bonehead error.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Catcher Final

Objective:  The students will write an AP style essay for an AP Q3 Prompt.  And they will use Catcher in the Rye.

1.  Grab the prompt and two sheets of paper and a pen. 

2.  Write on one side only.  You can't use your book.  You can use yesterday's intro practice.

Due by end of the period.  Write neat.  Write well.  Be smart. 

Monday, April 08, 2019

Last Day of Catcher before Essay tomorrow.

Objective:  The students will read 10 prompts, brainstorm ideas, then write intro paragraphs for each.

Insight that came to me this weekend.  Pretty deep stuff:  Mr. Antolini wasn't petting Holden... he was trying to rub out all of the "F You"s in his life.

1.  Get out Q3 Study Form for points.  Bring it up when called.

2.  Complete Prompts assignment:
     a)  Read each prompt.  Underline important words that are key to the essay.
     b)  Write an AP style intro paragraph for each.  You will be able to use this tomorrow.

3.  Essay tomorrow.

Note:  If you want to play in this year's softball game against the staff, there is a meeting here at Lunch Wednesday.  20 boys and 20 girls!

Friday, April 05, 2019

Finished with Catcher

Objective:  The students will review Catcher by completing a Q3 Study Form.

1.  Turn in Packet.  I will call you up one at a time to check the Close Reading.

2.  Complete the Q3 Study Form for Catcher.  Due Monday.


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 04, 2019

So now you know what Holden's problem in life is.

Objective:  The students will complete all parts of Catcher.

1.  Finish Catcher if you need to.

2.  Complete Packet.  I have the cover sheet for you.

3.  Book and Packet due tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

The students will finish THe Catcher

Objective:  The students will complete their analysis of Catcher.

1.  Man in the Tombs allusion

2.  Catcher 21-26.  Finish the book.

Friday:  Packet due with all questions complete and symbols analysis and Notes from intro.  Book is due too!!

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Objective:  The students will discuss yesterday's analysis questions.

1.  Discuss:

1.  Chapter 12:  The cab driver, Horwitz, and his explanation of ducks and fish in the lagoon.

2.  Chapter 13:  His lost/stolen gloves and what he does when he loses something.

3.  Chapter 13:  Sunny the prostitute and Holden's interaction with her.

4.  Chapter 14:  Allie and the bike story.

5.  Chapter 14:  The Bible allusion:  Jesus and the disciples.

6.  Chapter 15:  The nuns and his "contribution" to them.

7.  Chapter 15:  Literary allusion:  Romeo and Juliet.

2.  Read Chapters 19-21 and complete the questions.

Monday, April 01, 2019

Welcome to the last quarter of high school for the rest of your lives! (most of you)

Objective:  The students will discuss the importance of several important aspects of Catcher.

1.  In pairs, discuss the importance of all of the following.  Jot down some ideas on a piece of paper and some textual evidence that supports it.  Be ready to share your ideas with the class.

1.  Chapter 12:  The cab driver, Horwitz, and his explanation of ducks and fish in the lagoon.

2.  Chapter 13:  His lost/stolen gloves and what he does when he loses something.

3.  Chapter 13:  Sunny the prostitute and Holden's interaction with her.

4.  Chapter 14:  Allie and the bike story.

5.  Chapter 14:  The Bible allusion:  Jesus and the disciples.

6.  Chapter 15:  The nuns and his "contribution" to them.

7.  Chapter 15:  Literary allusion:  Romeo and Juliet.