Wednesday, December 18, 2019

You gys have a been a great class this semester. I have enjoyed you very much!

Objective:  The students will present final projects.

1.  Poetry Packet 2 in order.  Please help my TS be able to grade quickly!

2.  Final Projects.  Please limit them to 10 minute max each so that we get through them all.

Good luck on the rest of your finals and be safe this holiday break.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

First of your Two Last Days of High School Semesters!

Objective:  The students will present final projects.

1.  Poetry Packet 2 in order.  Please help my TS be able to grade quickly!

2.  Final Projects.  Please limit them to 10 minute max each so that we get through them all.

Good luck on the rest of your finals and be safe this holiday break.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Presentation Day 2

Objective:  The students will present their research as it applies to their novel.

1.  Your essays are done.

2.  Your grades are complete up to the final project.

3.  Presentations: Remember, you have to be present at all group presentations through the final!!!

Friday, December 13, 2019


Objective:  The students will present their research.

1.  Presentations

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Projects Day 1

Objective:  The students will present their findings on their research as it pertains to their chosen novel.

1.  Staple your research notes to your bib.  Submit to me for grading.

2.  Put your group names in a "hat" for first to present.

3.  While I grade, work on Poetry Packet 2.  This is due Monday.

4.  Or work on Frankenstein/Handmaid's Q3 Study Form

5.  Presentation 1:  Remember Phone.  50 points off group presentation if you are seen with it during another group's presentation.  No Second Chances. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Projects are so close!!!

Objective:  Students will work to complete an awesome research presentation.

1.  Get new poem.

2.  Complete project and research notes and bib.  Due as you walk in tomorrow.

3.  Frankenstein/Handmaids Q3 Study Form (This is the first assignment for 2nd semester).

4.  Complete last poem by Blake for Poetry Pack 2 due MOnday

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Two More Work Days!

Objective:  The students will work collaboratively to complete project/final.

1.  Work on projects.

2.  Complete TTSTCANDI for Echoing Green

3.  Poetry Packet 2 due Monday (one more poem tomorrow)

I am grading essays.

Monday, December 09, 2019

Projects: I hope you had a busy weekend!

Objective:  The students will discuss Sonnet forma and look at the poem that they analyzed.

All Extra Credit is done for the semester.  Too many of you are not doing what is required, so Extra Credit is withdrawn.

1.  Sonnet Notes

2.  Discuss "Perfectly Poised"

3.  Echoing Green TTSTCANDI

Projects due Thursday (all research and presentation).  If you ditch.  Zero

Friday, December 06, 2019

Happy Pac 12 Championship Day!

Objective:  The students will show that they have read and can analyze their novel.

1.  Take the MC section first.  Put your book away.

2.  Bring it to me to scan. 

3.  Get your book out.  Take a written essay prompt.  Answer on your own paper.  Staple prompt to it.

4.  Bring the essay section to me.  Bring your book to me for final close reading check.

Have a great weekend.  Projects!!!!

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Last Day of Frankenstein/Handmaid's Reading

Objective:  The students will work to complete reading or project.

Bring your Close read book or dialectic journal notes for final grading points tomorrow.  Also, you can use it on the second part of the test because you will need textual evidence.

1.  Tomorrow is your Handmaid's/Frankenstein Test.  It is worth 200 points.

Here is what it will look like:
     25 MC Questions (50 points)
      1  Essay explaining something in the book as it pertains to AP literature analysis.

2.  Project Research Dialectic Journals are due December 12.

We will discuss Perfectly Poised on Monday.

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

This weather makes me want to stay home!!

Objective:  The students will read a pretty perfect poem.

1.  Grab the poem.

2.  TTSCANDI it.

3.  Work on projects.  Friday is the final reading check and the MC tests.  You better have the book read!!!

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

A little time for group work

Objective:  The students will work in groups to complete their task for the Final Project and Presentation.

1.  Discuss Mad Girl

2.  Group work.  Depending on what I see today, I will decide whether I give you another day in class to work on the project.

Your research (dialectic journal notes of your 100 pages) is due: ______________________

Monday, December 02, 2019

Hope you had a great holiday break!

Objective:  The students will discuss their horrible Prose Essays and then move on to the next poem analysis of Poetry Packet 2.

1.  Your essays:  You did not do as well as I think you shoud be doing.  Maybe it's because I wasn't there, or maybe you are just not paying attention to what I am teaching:  BUT some of these were just crap!

Why don't we know how to punctuate the title of a novel YET??
Why are we still writing "the reader" this and "the reader" that??
Why are we still SLAPPING quotes?

Things like this... when it comes to semester grades, and you are at an 89%... will keep you at an 89%.

You will not make the same errors in your Frankenstein/Handmaid's Final Essay!

2.  "Mad Girl's Love Song" by Sylvia Plath

3.  Friday is the last book check for Frank/Hand