Objective: The students will read Act I Scene 1 and complete some study questions.
Congratulations Rosali on State Finals!
1. Biblical Allusion Notes
2. Act I Scene 1 Notes
3. Read Act I Scene 1
4. Complete Act I Scene 1 Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1scnMQRpjUWtF81BEtSDYM5PcvN-FknfI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Othello Act I Notes
Act I Scene 1:
· The play opens up on the streets of ______________ at night.
· Rodrigo, a rich nobleman, argues with Iago, an ensign in the army. Iago has been playing Rodrigo, taking his money in order to “help” Desdemona like Rodrigo.
· Rodrigo is mad because ________________ has run off with ____________ and he wants to be with her.
· Iago says that he hates Othello too because he has promoted _____________ to be lieutenant of the army instead of himself.
· He says that he will bring Othello’s downfall and Rodrigo will end up with the girl.
· They wake up Desdemona’s father, ________________, and tell him (in very racist terms) that his daughter has run away with the Moor.
· Iago tells Rodrigo where to find ______________, and he runs off to be with Othello. He is two faced.
A search party is organized to find Desdemona