Objective: The students will write a great essay!
1. Get three sheets of paper. And a pen.
2. Write ON ONE SIDE ONLY!!!!
3. You will write on Option Number _______. Note, if you are not here, you will write on a different prompt of my choosing.
All of Mr. Warren's AP Literature classes will use this site as a daily log of activities and subjects taught.
Objective: The students will write a great essay!
1. Get three sheets of paper. And a pen.
2. Write ON ONE SIDE ONLY!!!!
3. You will write on Option Number _______. Note, if you are not here, you will write on a different prompt of my choosing.
Objective: The students will look at 12 possible prompts for tomorrow's essay.
1. Hand in your Q# Study Form
2. Grab the prompts handout.
3. Get assigned a prompt.
4. Complete the assigned task and be ready to present to the class.
Essay tomorrow.
Objective: The students will complete the Q3 Study Form for Othello.
Buy Catcher in the Rye by Monday.
1. Discuss what I expect with this Q3 Study Form and how I will grade it. Basically 5 points for every error. So think!
Complete Q3 Study Form for Othello: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IwdZTQMMSFcPao4jyjmEGKA_BkFiXZS3i-9SygHnYpQ/edit?usp=sharing
Objective: The students will review Othello by completing a Q3 Study Form
BUY Catcher in the Rye by Monday
1. Compile Othello Packet: All Notes and five act question handouts.
2. Complete Q3 Study Form for Othello: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IwdZTQMMSFcPao4jyjmEGKA_BkFiXZS3i-9SygHnYpQ/edit?usp=sharing
Objective: The students will finish O.
1. Read
2. Notes
3. Finish all questions to turn in on Monday.
Objective: The students will start Act V.
What a great day to read Shakespeare!
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Questions
Objective: The students will finish reading Act IV.
Happy Short Wednesday
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Questions
Objective: The students will read Act IV Scene 1.
Good Ides of March Morning!
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Act IV Scene 1 Questions
Objective: The students will complete Act III.
We must finish the play this week, so bear with me if we read a bit longer on some days. Sorry Bradley, have some coffee!
1. Notes
2. Read Act III Scene 4
3. Complete Act II Questions for packet.
Objective: The students will read the rest of Act III Scene 3.
A very chill day today.
1. Notes
2. Read 10 minutes
3. Complete Act III Questions up to Act IV.
Objective: The students will read some of Act III of the play.
Good morning!!
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Questions
Objective: The students will see what we have read.
1. Othello Movie up to Act III.
Chill and relax!
Objective: The students will complete the reading and analysis of Act II of Othello.
2. Read
3. Complete the Questions
4. Complete the translation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rFeHj-DuEcp8Y0RjiCjXHTrfg4KuXNXS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Objective: The students will finish Act II.
1. Notes: I am sorry. There are a lot. Paraphrase.
2. Finish Act II. We won't read Act II Scene 2.
3. Work on questions.
Objective: The students will read a bit more of Othello.
Happy 18th Kaila P!!!
1. Notes Act II Scene 1
2. Read Act II Scene 1
Objective: The students will complete their first soliloquy translation.
1. Get the handout.
2. Complete the line by line translation. You can use your book, but you CANNOT use your phone. I know there are sites online that will do it for you, but that won't help you on the test. Work with someone.
3. I have a bunch of stuff to do with the Senior/Staff Softball Game to do today so just be your normal awesome selves... Thanks!
Objective: The students will finish reading Act I.
Good morning my favorite TWO classes!
March 6 last day to pay for AP Test.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Complete Act I Questions.
Have a great day. Be good to people.
Objective: The students will jot some notes, then read a bit, jot more notes, then read a bit more.
1. Act I Scene 2 Notes
2. Read
3. Act I Scene 3 Notes
4. Read
5. Complete Act I Scene 2 Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1scnMQRpjUWtF81BEtSDYM5PcvN-FknfI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Act I Scene 2: (Video ends at 9:16)
· Iago and Othello talk. Iago says that he wanted to kill ___________ because he was talking trash about Othello.
· Iago says that Brabantio will try to get the _____________ cancelled.
· Othello says that he is not worried. He _____________ Desdemona and his great deeds that he has done for Venice will protect him.
· Cassio comes and tells Othello he is needed about an important meeting about a situation in _____________. Othello goes into his house for a minute.
· Iago tells Cassio that Othello has ________________.
· Brabantio and his men come. He draws his sword and calls Othello a ____________.
· He says that Othello has used _______________ to win over Desdemona.
· Brabantio wants Othello _______________, but Othello is summoned to the meeting with the Duke.
Act I Scene 3:
· The Duke and his Senators are discussing reports of a ____________ fleet heading for Cyprus.
· Othello enters and immediately puts Othello in charge of the forces heading to protect Cyprus. Note: Cyprus is 1400 miles away by sea. Minimum 6 days travel if there is good weather.
· Brabantio tell the Duke about _______________.
· The Duke promises to imprison the criminal, until ___________________ it is Othello.
· Othello says he didn’t use ______________ to win over Desdemona.
· Othello tells everyone to _____________ _____________ herself what happened.
· Othello continues his story and the Duke _________________ ___________.