Objective: The students will go over their MC Midterm to see what happened...
1. Grab your test sheet and the test so that we can go over it.
2. "Eveline" TTSTCANDI
All of Mr. Warren's AP Literature classes will use this site as a daily log of activities and subjects taught.
Objective: The students will go over their MC Midterm to see what happened...
1. Grab your test sheet and the test so that we can go over it.
2. "Eveline" TTSTCANDI
Objective: The students will complete all terms for Prose Unit 2.
1. If you missed yesterday's MC Midterm, do it today so that I can grade them and get them in Aeries.
2. Complete all tone terms on the Perrine's Prose Unit 2 Cover Sheet.
I am grading your essays today.
6=105 5= 90-100 4= 80-90 3= 70-80 2= 60-70 1= 0-50
Objective: The students will discuss their analysis of Three Day Blow and then complete their first MC Midterm.
1. Discuss your TTSTCANDI of Three Day Blow"
2. MC Midterm: 50 points to grade.
Objective: The students will continue analysis of the last Hemingway story.
I need three kids who want EC.
1. TTSTCANDI Three Bay Blow
Objective: The students will read and analyze their last Hemingway story.
1. Discuss "End of Something"
2. Analyze "Three Day Blow" and TTSTCANDI
Objective: The students will analyze another Hemingway story. This one is a Nick Adam's story.
1. Get the handouts.
2. Complete analysis by tomorrow for a great discussion. You will lead it. Not me.
Objective: The students will get caught up on anything that is stressing them out.
Sometimes we all need a day to catch up on things. Today is the day.
1. Buy your next book that we will study: Frankenstein: Any print version will work, but this is the one that I have and it works great: https://www.amazon.com/Frankenstein-Mary-Shelly/dp/1514651777/ref=sr_1_1?crid=30ARBKTPJHN2B&keywords=9781514651773&qid=1666364674&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=9781514651773%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1
Objective: The students will discuss 10 Q3 Prompts and how Grendel could be used for each.
1. Get into groups.
2. Discuss your group's assigned prompt. Break down the prompt. What words must be addressed in the intro and thesis and throughout the essay? Write and intro and then tell what each body paragraph would cover.
3. Share with the class.
4. Vote on which 3 you would like me to choose for tomorrow's essay. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BcatcZF7oWw-HpWitqkHztjTqiRRy-HpTEWdiIcDjIM/edit?usp=sharing
Objective: The students will analyze another Hemingway story.
First Period: Two people for extra credit?
1. Go over and stamp TTSTCANDI for Elephants.
2. "Cat in the Rain" reading and analyze TTSTCANDI:
Objective: The students will be introduced to a Hemingway Code Hero. And then read one of his most famous stories and analyze.
1. Hemingway Code Hero Notes and PP: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v8J9eZfDp_gqOL8SUYViizmI8TXr6yG6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
2. Close Read (highlight and annotate!!!) "Hills Like White Elephants.": https://drive.google.com/file/d/173qAnSZ-b8t-S2R25ohCnR8set6b_JpE/view?usp=sharing
3. Complete TTSTCANDI: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbDDvIYYQczyRavIX3omvIkGCu1uRK6a/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Objective: The students will complete summer story presentations and discuss the four types of POV.
497401 | #N/A | Franco | Alyssa | EngLit Warren 1 | 1 | Warren, R | No Match |
404240 | 4677V030 | Hinrichs | Zach | EngLit Warren 1 | 1 | Warren, R | Undecided |
401558 | #N/A | Rodriguez | Samantha | EngLit Warren 1 | 1 | Warren, R | No Match |
469771 | 60Y8X52V | Gayle | Myles | EngLit Warren 5 | 5 | Warren, R | Undecided |
470251 | 8773ZV37 | Read | Faith | EngLit Warren 5 | 5 | Warren, R | Undecided |
401161 | 70301ZYY | Urteaga | Henry | EngLit Warren 5 | 5 | Warren, R | Undecided |
Stamp Outline
Get all work out of graded work folder now.
1. Presentations
2. Chapter 5 POV PP Discussion
The students will present summer stories and go over the Theme Chapter outline.
1. Get a stamp for the outline.
2. Presentations
3. Discuss my PP on Chapter 4 Theme
4. Complete Chapter 5 Outline on POV
Objective: The students will present summer stories and complete Chapter 4 outline on Theme.
Turn in Q3 Study Form
1. Presentations
2. Perrine's Prose Unit 2: Chapter 4: Theme Outline. Read and outline information. Due tomorrow for stamp.
Objective: The students will present their summer reading story.
Thanks for being great for the subs. I appreciate the time off. It was fun! KISS was amazing!
Grendel Q3 Study Form due tomorrow PRINTED
1. Presentations (Let's do three)
2. Read the school newspaper. It is finally back after about 6 years. The staff did a great job.
Objective: The students will complete their Q3 Study Form (in Google Classroom) and their Summer Reading Group Presentations.
I appreciate each of you for being awesome to the sub.
Thursday: Q3 Study Form for Grendel (in Google Classroom)
Friday: Work on Presentations (Remember each member has to put their name on the slides that are done)
Monday: Finish Group Presentations.
Objective: The students will complete a Q3 Study Form for Grendel to review as needed before the real AP Test and Essay in May.
1. Get into groups of 3 or 4. We will pick numbers to see which story your group will present from the summer reading.
EACH Member will have to print out the story and close read it with the presentation in mind.
EACH Member will have to complete slides for the presentation (putting your name on the slides that you do so that I can grade each member individually).
2. Grendel Q3 Study Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IwdZTQMMSFcPao4jyjmEGKA_BkFiXZS3i-9SygHnYpQ/edit?usp=sharing
Objective: The students will complete Grendel Packet and all close reading reading.
HEY!!! I am tired of getting emails about my kids who are not doing what needs to be done with college board! SO get on ity now and decide if you are going to take the test!
1. Put together Grendel Packet IN ORDER of chapters for 100 points tomorrow.
2. Complete Close Reading: Remember Close Reading is Highlights (or underlines) and annotations!
Tomorrow: Grendel Q3 Study Form. I will explain that tomorrow, but make sure that you have your book. You will need it. And your computer. Actually, you will need your computer for the next 5 days.
Objective: The students will finish Grendel.
Register for Office Hours!!!! Not with me, but with someone!
1. Summer Work Due today.
2. Grendel 12 (Packet Due Wednesday)
3. Close Reading Check of Grendel on Wednesday. 50 points.