Friday, February 10, 2006

Objective: Students will know important historical information for our drama (Reading Standard 3.11)

Date: February 10, 2006

Period 1 and 4: Get your folder!
1. First presentations
- Plutarch
- Elizabethan Stage
- Elizabethan Actors
- The Globe
- Elizabethan Audience
- Renaissance
2. Act I Vocabulary
3. Homework (Research Paper and Outside Book)

Period 3: Get Your Folder
1. Discuss Research Paper Guidelines (Take Notes)
2. First presentations
- Plutarch
- Elizabethan Stage
- Elizabethan Actors
- The Globe
- Elizabethan Audience
- Renaissance
- King Tarquin
- First Triumvirate
- Julius Caesar-
- Pompey
- Marcus Brutus
- Cassius
- Festival of Lupercalia
- Tiber River
- Soothsayer
Act I Vocabulary

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