Friday, February 27, 2009

Objective: Students will complete Act I reading and then complete a review.

1. Get folder and book.
2. Act Notes
3. Read Act I-3
4. Review
5. Homework: Power Points start Monday!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Objective: Students will read Act I-2 and translate their first soliloquy.

1. CAT6 #10
2. Turn in packet CAT6 1-10
3. Act I-2 notes continued
4. Act I-2 Reading (10 pages)
5. Act I Translation (if time)

Homework: Power Point by Monday!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Objective: Students will read Act I 1-2 and discuss the events and characters.

Good morning. Get your folder and your lit book.

1. CAT6 #9
2. Notes
3. Act I 1-2 Notes
4. Read Act I 1-2

Homework: outside book. I will be checking progress next week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Objective: Students will learn important background information about the play before reading.

1. Take a few seconds to pass back work.
2. Corect vocabulary.
3. Go over JC Note Sheet
4. Discuss Julius Caesar Timeline
5. Act I Notes for reading

Monday, February 23, 2009

Objective: Students will know important vocabulary for Act I of Julius Caesar.

1. Get your registration materials out, be sure that it is complete.
2. Go to counselor and turn in.
3. Act I Vocab.

Homework: Outside Book!! ??

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Objective: Students will begin Julius Caesar by completing an outline of information about the author and the character.

1. CAT6 #8
2. Discuss Julius Caesar Unit Extra Credit Possibilities.
3. Julius Caesar Intro Notes Handout: Due Tomorrow! 100 points.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Objective: Students will get registration information and turn in their research papers for grade.

1. Counselor to discuss information abouyt Jr. Registration.
2. Turn in Research Paper.

Homework: How's that outside book?????

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Objective: The studen ts will edit their research papers for the last time and turn in a PERFECT PAPER tomorrow for final grading by Mr. Warren.

1. CAT6 #7
2. Peer Editing using Peer Edit Sheet. Be sre to put your name on the paper for editing points.
3. Return paper to writer for final clean up and printing.
4. Julius Caesar Note Sheet.
Homework: Research paper due tomorrow. NO LATE PAPERS!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Objective: The students will complete all writing of research paper and edit part III. They will also complete a Works Cited Page using

1. Good Morning!
2. Score (50 Points) Part III of Research Paper
3. Look at two samples on LCD.
4. Peer Edit
5. Discuss Closing Paragraph: Apply what you have proven in your paper to the "Bigger Picture" like the future, the whole world, etc... This part can be present tense.
6. Easybib.

Entire Paper: Parts 1 through Works Cited due Tuesday. Happy Valentines too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Objective: Students will write the most important part of their research paper, the 2008 information that proves their thesis.

1. CAT6 #6
2. Work on Part III of Research Paper: Due tomorrow (50 points)

By the way: Have you started your outside book? Due March 27

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Objective: Students will share and peer edit the second part of their research paper. They will then proceed to writing part 3, 2008 info about their person.

1. Score (50 points) Part 2
2. Share some from Weblockers
3. Peer edit
4. Write Part 3 (Due on Thursday)

Tomorrow will be the last day in class to work on the writing of your paper. Bring all materials.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Objective: The students will practice integrating quotes into the flow of their writing and properly cite them by completing a paragraph or two of writing based on research.

1. CAT6 #5
2. Person of the Year Quotation and Citation Practice
3. Complete Part II of your research paper by Tuesday. Save to Weblockers.
Objective: The students will practice integrating quotes into the flow of their writing and properly cite them by completing a paragraph or two of writing based on research.

1. CAT6 #5
2. Person of the Year Quotation and Citation Practice
3. Complete Part II of your research paper by Tuesday. Save to Weblockers.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Objective: Students will share and peer edit their anecdotal intros, then begin the background information on their person.

1. CAT6 #___
2. Share Anecdotal Intros on LCD/Computer from Weblockers (50 points)
3. Peer Edit
4. Introduce Part II and proper use of quotes
5. Example of Part II and notes.
6. HW: Have all source research in class tomorrow in order to WRITE Part II on computers.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Objective: Students will begin their research paper writing by completing the Anecdotal Intro.

1. Sample CAHSEE Essay Prompt and discuss what to do.
2. Introduce Anecdotal Intro
3. Write Intro and save to weblockers.

Due on Thursday.