Thursday, March 11, 2021

Day 82

Objective:  The students will read and understand Othello Act I Scenes 1-2.

1.  Roll in GC

Notes on AP Test:

Date:  Tuesday 5/18 at 9:P00 am

Full Refund if you don't take it.  Just don't show up.  Refund will be given after last test window date of June 11.

Note:  I have decided that my goal with this unit is to give you something that you can use on a Q3 Essay on the AP Test.  I just want you to know it well enough to write a good essay.  I WILL NOT load you up with a bunch of busy work and quizzes if you PROMISE to read/listen to it as I assign, then discuss it with me (a real two-sided conversation).  If we can do this... there will be no busy work or test involved.  Just notes and discussions.

2.  Othello Biblical Allusion Notes

3.  Othello Act I Scene 1:  Read in Perrine's.  Follow along to the audio (in GC) to help you understand.  Fill in the blanks on the notes.  Discuss with teacher.

4.  Othello Act I Scene 2:  Read and follow audio:  Fill in blanks on notes.

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