Monday, September 27, 2021

Day 35

Objective:  The students will know what is expected in an AP Essay.

1.  Get your graded essays.

2.  Go over AP Prose Rubric

3.  Discuss mistakes common in your essays (take notes)

4.  Look over last year's samples and try to figure out scores that Mr. Herrera, Mr. Sjoerdsma and I gave.

5.  Finish Grendel 8 handouts.

6.  Grendel 9:


AP Essay Problems that Can Be Fixed Next Time

1.       No Universal Truth (Theme) stated.  Put it in the intro.  BUT PROSE essays do not need one if the prompt doesn’t as about “author’s purpose.”

2.       Intro too long.  2-3 sentences.  Mention title, author and UT.

3.       Title to the Essay (not needed and it wastes time to think of one)

4.       No need for citations and page numbers (Hemingway 89)

5.       Just saying “Hemingway uses diction and syntax…” That just means he uses words and sentences.  Well duh!!!!  Hemingway uses adjective diction and adjective syntax.

6.        Quotes way too long.  Integrate 3-7 word quotes into the flow of your writing.  Example:  She “liked his dignity” and “the way he wanted to serve her.”

7.       Over use of ellipsis.  Two word quotes like this:  “She likes … her.”

8.       Using first person.  Do not put yourself in the paper.  Try not to even say, “The reader…”

9.       Slapping the reader (me) in the face with a quote that is not introduced or provided with context.

10.   Contractions

11.   In conclusion,

12.   NOT KNOWING WHAT FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IS….  Many people wrote a paragraph on symbols, then started the next paragraph with, “Hemingway uses figurative language.”

13.   You have to speed up.  That will take practice.

14.   Mentioning “rhetorical devices.”  This is LAST YEAR!

15.   Analysis without and textual evidence (quotes).

16.   Too many devices in one paragraph.  Lacks focus. 

17.   One LONG paragraph only.

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