Objective: The students will work hard this week to finish Grendel. We can't move on until it's done!
1. Discuss Grendel 6 and 7.
Ironic Character: A character that thinks he is one thing, but in fact, he is the opposite.
Unferth: Ironic symbol of Jesus
Weltherow: True symbol of Jesus
Chapter 7: Lots of social commentary: Destruction of nature, War and alliances, Political Speeches and Propaganda, Children Wives, etc.
2. Chapter 8: Read chapter and allusions. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11fgPIDTmRLB60uitKZzyvdOLOiUG0V9F/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101482473147710513077&rtpof=true&sd=true