Monday, September 30, 2024

Day 35

Objective:  The students will work hard this week to finish Grendel.  We can't move on until it's done!

1.  Discuss Grendel 6 and 7.

Ironic Character:  A character that thinks he is one thing, but in fact, he is the opposite.

Unferth:  Ironic symbol of Jesus

Weltherow:  True symbol of Jesus

Chapter 7:  Lots of social commentary:  Destruction of nature, War and alliances, Political Speeches and Propaganda, Children Wives, etc.

2.  Chapter 8:  Read chapter and allusions.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Day 34

Objective:  The students will read the next chapter and analyze.

1.  Get out your Grendel book.  I am checking close reading of the first 6 chapters for 25 points.

2.  Grendel 7 Handout and reading.  We need to finish this book by next Friday.

3.  Pass back all work in the graded folder.  I want it empty!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Day 33

Objective:  The students will know how to make their next essay better.

Get your graded essays.

1.  Grendel 5 Quiz

2.  Discuss Grendel 5 PP

3.  Discuss:  AP Essay Problems that Can Be Fixed Next Time

4.  Grendel 6 Read and Zodiac/Philosophy

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Day 32

Objective:  The students will complete all work for Chapter 5.

1.  Ms. Ortiz:  Senior Presentation

2.  Theme Chart for Chapter 5

No reading tonight.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day 31

Objective:  The students will discuss Chapter 4 and then move on to Chapter 5.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Adam and Eve

2. Discuss my Chapter 4 PP.

3.  Chapter 5:  This is a two day assignment:  It's long.  It's confusing.  And tomorrow the counselors are coming in to talk with you.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Day 30

Objective:  The students will figure out what they did wrong on last week's MC Test.

1.  Get the MC Test from the returned work folder in the back.

2.  Go over answers with me.  If you figure out what you did wrong and write how you made a mistake on each that you missed, I will add 5 points to your EC grade.

3.  Grendel Chapter 4 Zodiac/Philosophy reading and Chapter reading.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Day 29

Objective:  The students will complete Grendel 3 work.

Note:  I will pass back the MC Test on Monday so that you can go over the correct answers.  If you need to take the test, you need to do it now!

1.  Complete the Themes Chart and the Questions from Chapter 3.

2.  I am going to come by and grade your Close Reading.  10 points.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Day 28

Objective:  The students will complete their first MC Practice for points.

1.  MC Practice Test for points.  I missed TWO when I took it years ago, so this is worth 13 points in the computer.  

2.  When finished, turn in BOTH the scan sheet and the test questions sheets stapled together.  Scan sheet on top.

3.  Grendel Chapter 3 Worksheet and reading.  Just close read the zodiac/philosophy then read the chapter.  We will work on questions and themes tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 27

Objective:  The students will analyze Chapter 2 of Grendel.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Plato's Allegory of the Cave

2.  Complete Chapter 2 handouts:  Questions and Theme

3.  No reading tonight.  Get caught up with Close Reading if not done.  I will check for points tomorrow. 

Allusion Notes:  Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

·   People lived chained as prisoners in a cave facing a wall.

·   All that they can see are shadows of things that pass behind them.

·   The shadows become the prisoners’ reality.

·   One man escapes and leaves the cave.  He goes into the real world and is able to “see.”

·   He returns to the cave to enlighten and save the other prisoners.

·   The prisoners resist being freed from the cave and their “blindness.”

·   Plato uses this to suggest that people cannot escape our bondage.  We prefer blindness over seeing the reality of life.

·   Plato suggests that Philosophers are the “freed prisoner” and the rest of us are blind.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Day 26

Objective:  The students will work with Chapter 1 and the development of the UTs.

1.  Last day to register for AP Classroom.  If you have an issue, I need your name today.  And you need to call them to reset the password.  Tomorrow I put in 10 points.

2.  Grendel Chapter 1 Test

3.  Grendel Chapter 1 Discuss

4.  Grendel Themes Chart for Chapter 1.

5.  Grendel 2 Handout and Read Chapter 2.  Read the Zodiac/Philosophy and then just read Chapter 2.  You will complete the themes and questions tomorrow.