Thursday, March 02, 2006

Objective: Students will know how Caesar was warned before he was killed and evaluate his character (Reading 3.1-3.6)

Date: March 1, 2006

Periods 1 and 4: Get your folder!
1. Act II Translation hello
2. Act II review
3. Act II Storyboard
4. Homework: Outside Book

Periods 3: Get your folder.
1. CAT6 #3
2. Discuss yesterday’s presentations/do make ups
3. Act II:1 continued notes and reading (p.2) Correct Vocab. (p.5)
4. Act II:2-4 Notes and Reading
5. Act II Translation, Review and Storyboard
6. Homework: Outside Book

Presentations for Act II: For Portfolio I need a Printout of your Power Point!
- Veni, Vedi, Veci
- Augury and Augerers
- Astrology
- Year of Confusion
- Tragedy and Tragic Hero
- Role of Women
- Marcus Cicero
- Artimidorus of Cnidos
- Calphurnia
- Portia

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