Monday, January 31, 2022

Day 102

Objective:  The students will compile all parts of Perrine's Poetry Unit 2 for turn in and points.

Ryan wake up!  Come to class!

1.  Extra Credit?  Period 1 or Period 2?

2.  Prepare packet.  There should be 12 EASILY counted things completed in the packet.  If my TAs miss it, it's your fault!]

3.  Tomorrow is the essay.  You may want to remember things to do/not to do in AP essays:


AP Essay Problems that Can Be Fixed Next Time


1.       No Universal Truth (Theme) stated.  Put it in the intro.  BUT PROSE essays do not need one if the prompt doesn’t as about “author’s purpose.”

2.       Intro too long.  2-3 sentences.  Mention title, author and UT.

3.       Title to the Essay (not needed and it wastes time to think of one)

4.       No need for citations and page numbers (Hemingway 89)

5.       Just saying “Hemingway uses diction and syntax…” That just means he uses words and sentences.  Well duh!!!!  Hemingway uses adjective diction and adjective syntax.

6.        Quotes way too long.  Integrate 3-7 word quotes into the flow of your writing.  Example:  She “liked his dignity” and “the way he wanted to serve her.”

7.       Over use of ellipsis.  Two word quotes like this:  “She likes … her.”

8.       Using first person.  Do not put yourself in the paper.  Try not to even say, “The reader…”

9.       Slapping the reader (me) in the face with a quote that is not introduced or provided with context.

10.   Contractions

11.   In conclusion,

12.   NOT KNOWING WHAT FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IS….  Many people wrote a paragraph on symbols, then started the next paragraph with, “Hemingway uses figurative language.”

13.   You have to speed up.  That will take practice.

14.   Mentioning “rhetorical devices.”  This is LAST YEAR!

15.   Analysis without and textual evidence (quotes).

16.   Too many devices in one paragraph.  Lacks focus.  Let Topic Sentences guide your writing.

17.   One LONG paragraph only.

18.   Too much summary. 

19.   Maybe use a formula:

a.       Thesis

b.       Claim 1:  Topic Sentence

1.       Fact from poem

2.       Text evidence

3.       Comm

4.       Comm

5.       Fact

6.       Text evidence

7.       Comm

8.       Comm

Friday, January 28, 2022

Day 101

Objective:  The teacher will be impressed by the incredible teaching and analysis of the students.

1.  Load your stuff.

2.  WOW me.

3.  Be respectful listeners/learners.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Day 100

Objective:  The students will analyze a poem to present and teach tomorrow.

1.  I decided to postpone the essay.

2.  Tomorrow you get to teach.  Two poems and two groups.  You will have 30 minutes to "teach" the poem to the other group.

3.  The best "teaching" group will get 100.  The second one will get 90 or less. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Day 99

Objective:  The students (well the teacher really) will use this day as a catch up day, making sure that the students know how to identify and analyze a sonnet.

Thanks all of you!  The sub loved you.  I was able to relax knowing that you would be perfect.

1.  Sonnet Discussion :

2.  Go over the two poems that you analyzed while I was gone.

Perfectly Poised and ... oops, did I assign the same one twice or did you get both poems?? 

3.  Complete Tone Terms on the Perrine's Poetry Unit 2 Cover sheet

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Day 98

Objective:  The students will prepare for the upcoming Q1 Essay by analyzing and writing (a bit) to simulate the essay coming up. 

Hello all!  One more day.  I will be back Wednesday.  Thanks for being a great group for Mrs. Block.

1.  Get Perfectly Poised.  Read and analyze.  Do what we normally do with a poem.  Then write an intro paragraph and one body paragraph for the prompt on the top.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Day 97

Objective:  The students will analyze their first sonnet.

Hello all:  I will be out a few days maybe, so Mrs. Block will be my sub.  She is a King parent and a friend of mine, so I know that you will be awesome!

1.  Look up what a sonnet is.  Its format.  Then look up the two most common types of sonnets.  Then, if a sonnet has two parts, what is the function of each part usually?

2.  Perfectly Poised analysis.

Hope to be back tomorrow!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Day 96

Objective:  the students will answer the following prompt:

Analyze the speaker's connection between working with his father and remembering it years later.  Tell how the poet uses literary elements and techniques to convey the complexity of the speaker's feelings.

Write intro and one body paragraph

1.  Discuss Weight

2.  Mad Girl's Love Song


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Day 95

Objective:  The students will discuss the chapters outlined, then go over what they analyzed in She Dwelt, and then analyze an amazing poem.

1.  Get out your chapter outlines and show them to me.

2.  Discuss my PPs

3.  Go over She Dwelt

4.  Weight of Sweetness

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Day 94

Objective:  The students will outline the next two chapters of Perrine's Poetry.

1.  Save "She Dwelt" until tomorrow.

2.  Outline Perrine's Chapters 6 and 7.  Do NOT use the internet!!! (Jessica)

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022

Day 92

Objective:  The students will discuss imagery and add one more type to their outline.  Then they will outline Perrine's Chapter 5 on figurative language.

1.  Warren's PP on Imagery.  Get out your Chapter 5 Outline.

2.  Outline Perrine's Chapter 5

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Day 91


Objective:  The students will outline the first chapter of our next poetry unit.

1.  Get Poetry 2 Cover Sheet.

2.  Do the MySABRS (or whatever) Mental Health Test (I will give you 10 points for doing it)

3.   Complete Perrine's Poetry Chapter 4 due tomorrow but do it now! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 90

Objective:  The students will complete a MC Poetry Practice and hand in Perrine's Poetry Unit 1 for a grade.

1.  MC Practice:  To Autumn:

2.  Add MC Terms to your cover sheet:  idiosyncratic, winnowing, sardonic, surcease

3.  Put packet in order of the cover sheet, cover sheet on top and turn it in.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Day 89

Objective:  The students will discuss their interpretation of "kitchenette building" by Brooks.

1. sign up.

2.  "kitchenette building" discussion.

3.  Go over my PP on "kitchenette building":

Monday, January 10, 2022

Day 88

Objective:  The students will go over their analysis of Mirror Mirror by Plath.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Narcissus and Echo

2.  Perrine's Poetry Chapter 2 PP and your outline.

3.   Discuss Mirror

4.  Poetry Analysis:  Kitchenette Building:

Allusion Notes:  Greek Mythology:  Narcissus and Echo

·       Narcissus was a gorgeous male who admired himself enormously.

·       Echo loved him, but he ignored her.

·       Eventually she was cursed with not being able to voice her own thoughts but only repeat what others had said.

·       This bothered Narcissus and he taunted her because of it.

·       She eventually wasted away, with only her voice, repeating the words of others, remaining.

·       Narcissus became so enamored with himself that one day he admired his reflection in a pond.

·       He became stuck there, staring at his beauty.

·       He was stuck there so long that he became a flower that grows there.

Friday, January 07, 2022

Day 87

Objective:  The students will analyze their second poem.

1.  Get the handout.

2.  Work with a partner to go through the steps (in your notes) for analyzing a poem.

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Day 86

Objective:  The students will discuss their first poetry analysis and then complete a MC Practice:

1.  Get you Out Out stamped.

2.  Model poetry analysis and close reading.

3.  MC Poetry Practice:

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Day 85

Objective:  The students will analyze their first poem.

1.  Allusion Notes:  Macbeth and "Out, Out" below:

2.  How to Analyze a Poem Notes:  Below:

3.  Analyze "Out, Out" by Robert Frost :

Allusion Notes:  Macbeth’s “Out, out brief candle!”

 “Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

·      Macbeth in Macbeth has a soliloquy at the end of the play when he hears his wife cry out as she dies.

·      Shakespeare is speaking through Macbeth.  He is saying that existence for each of us is only a moment of light before emptiness and darkness.

·      Before we are born, there is nothing.

·      After we dies there is nothing.  Only darkness.

·      Being alive is like a brief light burning in the darkness.

·      We think we are important and what we do in life has significance.

·      But we are only a shadow that disappears when the light goes out.

How to Analyze a Poem:


1.        Identify Form:

a.       Count and label stanzas

b.       Count and label lines if not done already

c.       Look for a rhyme scheme and identify

d.       Look for a specific rhythm (look at the number of syllables in the first few lines.)

2.       Identify the subject/situation of the poem.

3.       Identify the speaker of the poem (NEVER assume the speaker is the poet)

4.       Identify characters in the poem

5.       Find shifts in the poem (in tone, speakers, time periods, etc)

6.       Come up with a UT

7.       Identify Literary Devices