Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 15

Objective:  The students will finish all presentations and read their first literary story.\

1.  Allusion Notes:  Noah

2.  Finish all presentations.

3.  "Destructors" intro notes.

 4.  Read the story by Tuesday.  In Perrine's Page 115

5.  Rewrites due Tuesday.

Biblical Allusion:  Noah and the Flood

·       From Genesis (first book in the Bible)

·       God saw that sin and wickedness had taken over the world

·       Decided to wipe away humankind

·       But there was one good man:  Noah

·       When told by God, Noah built an ark. 

·       Noah tried to warm others to repent.

·       Took two of all living creatures

·       Rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

·       Noah and family spent one year on the ark.

·       God promises no more floods to destroy earth.

·       As a sign of this promise:  Rainbows

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Day 14

Objective:  The students will complete a group MC Practice.

Note:  I will take Personal Statement Rewrites on Monday.  It's you final chance.  It should be your best writing!  Make sure you staple the old one to the new one.  I don't want to read it all over again.

1.  Presentations:  Three of Four

2.  MC Practice:  New York

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Day 13

Objective:  The students will finish off all prep work so tat we can read our first story tomorrow. 

1.  Copy allusion notes onto a NEW piece of paper.  These will be included in our unit packet.

2.  Presentations:  Three

3.  My Chapter 3 Power Point

4.  Define Lit Terms on NEW Sheet of paper.

Allusion Info

Jesus Christ and his Twelve Disciples

·     New Testament (Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New)

·     God in human form

·     Son of God

·     Humble, kind, soft-spoken

·     Everyone Sins

·     Comes into conflict with the Jewish elders who question his authority

·     Jesus paid the price for all people’s sins by dying on the cross (crucifixion) for all people.

·     Rose three days later

·     Was a carpenter

·     Twelve Apostles (believers, followers, supporters)

·     Peter, James, John, Andrew, Bartholomew/Nathanael, James, Judas, Jude/Thaddeus, Mathew/Levi, Philip, Simon, Thomas

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Day 12

Objective:  The students will discuss Chapter 2 on Plot.  Then outline our last chapter.

1.  Presentations:  Three

2.  My Chapter 2 Power Point.

3.  Chapter 3 Outline:  On your own.  I did not set up a template for you to fill in.  Just read the chapter and create your own outline of the important info.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Day 11

Objective:  The students will discuss Chapter 1 of Perrine's then outline the next chapter.

Congratulations to all football players on a huge win! 

Seating Chart:  Sit where you will be for the rest of the semester.

1.  Get the new handout.

2.  Presentations:  Three

2.  Go over Chapter 1 Power Point.

3.  Outline Chapter 2.  Due tomorrow.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Day 10

Objective:  The students will outline the first chapter of Perrine's. 

Grab a Perrine's text from the back of the room. 

Turn in Personal Statement:  Make sure it has a word count on it.

1.  Presentations (three)

2.  Perrine's Chapter 1 Outline:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Day 9

Objective:  The students will complete their first Multiple Choice Practice.

1.  Presentations:  Let's do four.

2.  MC Practice:  Babbit 

3.  Personal Statement Due Printed Tomorrow!!!!  50 points

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Day 8

Objective:  The students will know important terms and vocabulary for this unit's readings.

1.  Presentations:  Let's do four.

2.  On TWO separate sheets of paper, do the Tone Terms and the MC Practice Words for stamp tomorrow.  If not complete by tomorrow, you don't get the stamp (which translate into 10 points when we turn the packet in).

Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 7

Objective:  The students will begin preparing for all of the things that they need to do in order to get into college (2 or 4 year) or trade schools.

My Website:

Personal Statement Day

1.  Roll and Personal Statement Presentation:

2.  Personal Statement Handout:

3.  Video One:  What is a Personal Insight and What should you do on it?


4.  How are you going to pay for college? It's EXPENSIVE!!!  Apply for as many scholarships as you can!!!  All of them that you are able according to the requirements.

5.  Letter of Recs:  Get as many as you can from many different sources!!!!

Link to Jason's Cheat Sheet:


6. and how you can use it.

You can use my account free.   Password:  Jeffrey1


You can change student information and interests to suit yourself.  Just do not change login or password.


 7.  Begin writing.  It is due typed and printed on Monday. Choose only ONE essay for the class.  I will only grade ONE. 

Day 6

Objective:  The students will practice a Q2 (Prose) Essay Prompt.

 No seating chart yet.  They are still making moves to balance classes.

Period 4:  Go get Perrine's Book.  There are enough!

1.  Turn in Posters for Presentations.

2.  Make sure that you have submitted your Google Slides Presentation for a grade in Classroom.

3.  Presentations 1-3.  Listeners listen respectfully.  No notes.  I will tell you what's important to note on your sheet after the presentation.  If you have a phone in your hand during a presentation, you lose 10 points on your presentation.

4.  Q2 Prompt:  No Dogs Bark

            1.  Break down Prompt

            2.  Read and analyze

            3.  Write an AP Intro Paragraph

            4.  Outline your body paragraphs

3.  What should an intro to an AP Essay look like?

        Three to four sentences

         Name the author, the title, type of lit and time written if given.

        One line summation of lit

        The thesis of your paper which states the UT.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Day 5

Objective:  The students will know what the AP Test is and complete one sample prompt.

Note:  I heard the Football players and the Cheer Squad did a great job yesterday.  Good luck to Volleyball today too.

Book Checkout:  Period 0:  8:15     Period 1:  9:00     Period 2:   10:00    Period 4:  12:00    Period 5:  1:30

1.  What is the AP Test:  It is a total of THREE hours.

        1st Hour:  Multiple choice:  It is 45% of the overall grade.  Five selections:  55 Questions

        2nd and 3rd hours:  Three Essays:  Q1:  Poem,  Q2:  Prose, Q3:  Open Source

2.  Sample Q1:   "The Snowstorm"

            1.  Break down Prompt

            2.  Read and analyze

            3.  Write an AP Intro Paragraph

            4.  Outline your body paragraphs

3.  What should an intro to an AP Essay look like?

        Three to four sentences

         Name the author, the title, type of lit and time written if given.

        One line summation of lit

        The thesis of your paper which states the UT.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Day 4

Objective:  The students will complete their presentation/poster prep for presenting on Monday.

1.  Digital Citizenship which we should have done yesterday.

2.  Finish How to Read Like a Professor Presentation/Poster:  Remember, to edit your slides.  There is nothing worse than a presentation that has spelling/grammar errors!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Day 3

Objective:  The students will read a chapter from How to Read Like a Professor and prepare a presentation to share.

1.  Get your TTSTCANDI poster and put on desk for grade.

2.  Supplies Needed:   Folder, pens and pencils, computer, highlighters, paper, novels as assigned.

3.  Discuss my website, absences, expectations for missed work, and Google Classroom.

4.   How to Read Like a Professor presentation discussion:  Here is the link:

5.  Pick your chapter and start making your presentation/poster.

Day 2

 Objective:  The students will make their own home version of the TTSTCANDI board for use at home.

1.  Roll and Bathroom Rule

2.  Turn in your college worksheet for 5 points.

3.  Get the large piece of paper and copy the TTSTCANDI board to use at home for homework when we have it.  10 points.

Our first book:  John Gardner's Grendel.  You need a physical copy of the book to close read.  It is 50 points.  You can buy it, or copy it from the internet (that's illegal though).  Have it in your hands by Monday.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 1


Welcome to the first day of one of the best years of your life!!

Objective:  The students (and teacher) will feel comfortable in an environment of learning, inquiry, taking chances and experiencing literature through reading, writing and discussing.

1.  Sit anywhere that you feel comfortable and you will not be distracted.

2.  Roll and Intro 

3.  College Worksheet:  Due tomorrow for 5 points.