Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 15

Objective:  The students will finish all presentations and read their first literary story.\

1.  Allusion Notes:  Noah

2.  Finish all presentations.

3.  "Destructors" intro notes.

 4.  Read the story by Tuesday.  In Perrine's Page 115

5.  Rewrites due Tuesday.

Biblical Allusion:  Noah and the Flood

·       From Genesis (first book in the Bible)

·       God saw that sin and wickedness had taken over the world

·       Decided to wipe away humankind

·       But there was one good man:  Noah

·       When told by God, Noah built an ark. 

·       Noah tried to warm others to repent.

·       Took two of all living creatures

·       Rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

·       Noah and family spent one year on the ark.

·       God promises no more floods to destroy earth.

·       As a sign of this promise:  Rainbows

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