Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 6

Objective:  The students will practice a Q2 (Prose) Essay Prompt.

 No seating chart yet.  They are still making moves to balance classes.

Period 4:  Go get Perrine's Book.  There are enough!

1.  Turn in Posters for Presentations.

2.  Make sure that you have submitted your Google Slides Presentation for a grade in Classroom.

3.  Presentations 1-3.  Listeners listen respectfully.  No notes.  I will tell you what's important to note on your sheet after the presentation.  If you have a phone in your hand during a presentation, you lose 10 points on your presentation.

4.  Q2 Prompt:  No Dogs Bark

            1.  Break down Prompt

            2.  Read and analyze

            3.  Write an AP Intro Paragraph

            4.  Outline your body paragraphs

3.  What should an intro to an AP Essay look like?

        Three to four sentences

         Name the author, the title, type of lit and time written if given.

        One line summation of lit

        The thesis of your paper which states the UT.

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