Objective: The students will complete a Q1 Essay.
1. Grab a prompt and two sheets of paper and a pen.
2. You have until the end of the period.
All of Mr. Warren's AP Literature classes will use this site as a daily log of activities and subjects taught.
Objective: The students will complete a Q1 Essay.
1. Grab a prompt and two sheets of paper and a pen.
2. You have until the end of the period.
Objective: The students will outline the final Perrine's Chapter before we read Othello.
1. Drama MC Practice
2. New Perrine's Cover Sheet for Othello Unit
3. Outline Perrine's Chapter (due tomorrow).
Objective: The students will analyze a very realistic play.
1. Mind the Gap Quiz 12 points
2. Mind the Gap Handout
Packet due tomorrow. Terms included.
Objective: The students will read a very realistic play.
Get Perrine's
1. Discuss The Sandbox PP
2. Read the next play: Mind the Gap by Meredith Oakesp 1131
Objective: The students will analyze the drama that was read yesterday.
1. Get the handout and complete. Use the book so that you can find specific textual detail for your analysis.
If you are home ditching, this is still due Monday: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EnV0zJIZ-tjxNodWDQ1F4NWraW1x4AUo/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Objective: The students will discuss both outlined chapters then read a short play.
1. Discuss both Perrine's Drama Chapters
2. Discuss The Sandbox and what you are about to read.
3. Read:
The Sandbox by Edward Albee (p. 1145-1151)
4. Complete all terms on cover sheet
Objective: The students will go over yesterday's MC Test and then begin the new mini-unit on Drama.
1. Get yesterday's graded test. If you need to take it, see me now.
2. Using the correct answers, go over your test to see what or how you picked the wrong answers.
Your score translated to AP Test: Below is passing.
75% to 100= 5
66% to 74= 4
53% to 65= 3
3. Complete both Chapter outlines on the new Drama Unit Cover Sheet.
Objective: The students will complete their first "big" poetry MC Test.
1. Turn in Poetry Packet 3 in order and stapled with cover sheet on top. Include the MC Practice.
2. Poetry MC Final. Put name on scan sheet and bubble in your number. Take the test and staple the scan sheet on top of the test. Turn in.
Objective: The students will complete a writing sample and a MC Test.
1. Write an intro and body paragraph that answers the following prompt:
Grade paper accordingly: 1 point for into/thesis statement
1 or 2 for text evidence
1 or 2 points for analysis of text evidence
2. MC Test: Forerunners for a grade
3. Packets due Tuesday. I don't want to grade this weekend.
Objective: The students will look at a student's intro and body from yesterday to see if it's a passing paper.
1. Get out yesterday's poem analysis and writing for me to come by and see. I will pick one to grade on the big screen.
2. Exchange papers. Use the highlighters as you read. One color for text evidence, another for analysis.
Grade paper accordingly: 1 point for into/thesis statement
1 or 2 for text evidence
1 or 2 points for analysis of text evidence
3. Complete analysis of "What Lips..." https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tqesPBMpU4tsKJGKiscn-wK5zjY2stvI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Objective: The students will discuss yesterday's poem and then look at a very famous poem for analysis.
1. Discuss: Judged by my goddess
2. Analyze "Do Not Go Gentle"
3. Write intro and one body paragraph for the following:
In a well-organized essay, analyze how Thomas uses poetic elements to convey the poem's central purpose. Support your analysis with specific examples from the text, and consider how Thomas' message continues to resonate with readers today.
Objective: The students will analyze a poem.
We have three poems left in the unit.
One poem per day, then the packet is due Thursday. Also a "real" MC test on Thursday for points in the computer.
1. Goddess poem. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBASmHchQ_DrT25d6olhvsB3DFwx5qo4/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118430206095467405140&rtpof=true&sd=true
Objective: The students will analyze a poem in groups.
1. "Forgiveness": Use the checklist and other notes to complete the analysis. Due today.
2. Listen to it first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uafsq6skLjY
Objective: The students will discuss their poem analysis and then complete a MC Practice.
1. Discuss yesterday's poem analysis. Listen to it.
2. MC Practice: Add this to your unit cover sheet: MC Practice: "Spring"
3. Albert.io first EC Poem assigned.
MC Practice Group Activity
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